Hey everyone! It's Gabby now and I thought it was about time you got to know me better too so that's what this is but with a slight difference, after reading Megan's post I sat down to write my 25 facts about me I got about 7 and couldn't think of anymore, when it comes to writing about myself I find it a whole lot easier to just write like i'm talking to you because, well, I like to talk (there's a fact!) so that's what i'm going to do, just talk and hope you don't get bored!
Okay so where to start? I was born in England and lived there for 13 years before moving over to New Zealand with my family in 2010, I have 2 younger sisters who I generally get along with but not without our fair share of arguments! My mum is French so I grew up speaking both English and French although after not speaking it properly for a long time it's safe to say i'm no where near being fluent in it. I have an unhealthy addiction to the internet, i'm on it constantly! Whether it's checking Instagram and Twitter or sitting down to watch YouTube videos or TV shows for hours at a time (don't judge me!). I LOVE everything beauty related, I could go on for hours talking about all things beauty and can easily get sucked into standing at a make up counter looking at every product on the stand and saying how much I want it! Although it does fall under my love of beauty, one thing in particular I just can't get enough of is nail polish, it's very rare that you'll ever catch me with nothing on my nails! I'm really into art and drawing although I cannot paint at all (seriously, I suck!) I tend to stick to sketches and water colour although I still have a lot of practicing to do before they are any good! I am hoping to study Architecture at University next year but who knows if that will happen, I hope it does! I can be extremely stubborn sometimes but don't worry, i'm working on it, I absolutely hate running (I don't know how Megan does it) but put me in a pool and i'll swim for hours! I'm one of those people who loves getting lost in a good book but I am also one of those people who can go months without picking one up! I have a slight (okay quite big) obsession with purses and handbags, it is a very bad idea to take me anywhere near them! I love photography and the idea of going out for hours to take photos makes me very happy, i'm still learning but it's something I already love doing! I have absolutely no idea what my style is and i'm guilty of spending an hour in front of the mirror swapping outfits trying to decide what to wear (and that's not an exaggeration!) Oh and I am completely useless at saving money which is not good as one of biggest dreams is to go travelling.
Anyway I have rambled on for way too long, if you've managed to get to the end of this post thanks for listening to me get lost in my own head! I hope you did enjoy reading all bout me and maybe you feel like you know me a bit better, after all of that I think I know myself better! Like Megan said, thank you for all the support on our blog, it really does mean a lot, we love you!
Talk soon guys!
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