Saturday 11 January 2014

25 Facts About Me || Megan

Hello Lovelies!

It's Megan here! I hope you all had a wonderful new years and are having a fabulous start to 2014! Today I'm getting a little personal and thought I'd share some interesting facts about myself. In our last post we mentioned that one of our new years resolutions was to blog more in the new year and to really focus on writing and updating our blog, lately we have been so busy and although we have been spending a lot of time together we've found it hard to find time to focus on writing a blog post together with all the chaos and busyness that's been going on. In order to keep our blog updated as frequently as possible we think it would be best to post personal (individual) posts as well as our usual beauty posts that we do together. So from now on you may notice a few posts written by only one of us. We feel this way we can write even more and make sure our blog is the best it can be! I thought I'd start my first post by letting you get to know me a bit better by sharing 25 facts about me. Hope you enjoy! 

1. I definitely drink too much coffee

2. I have an absolute obsession with makeup

3. I love hot summer days

4. I also love cosy winter days

5. I am a really slow eater

6. I always love a good book

7. I am obsessed with feeling happy and healthy

8. I take a lot of photographs

9. I'm kind of obsessed with fashion and nothing makes me happier then a wearing a nice outfit and feeling good in it

10. I used to live in Brisbane

11. I'm always singing (in the shower, the car, in my room, with my friends, if you ever see me I'm probably singing)

12. I love listening to the rain and being snuggled between loads of cosy blankets

13. I love going on road trips

14. I'm a huge adrenaline junkie, I'm always looking for new adventures to get my heart racing. I love the feeling of adrenaline and excitement

15. I spend too much time on the internet (who doesn't)

16. I love the beach

17. I am completely useless at texting people back (oops!)

18. I love running

19. I hate milk (unless it's soy)

20. My dream job would be in the fashion industry 

21. I've never had a job

22. I own way too many candles

23. I want to move to London for a few years and then move to miami (or cali)

24. I love lazy days but I way prefer being busy and always active. I can't sit still for too long or I go crazy 

25. One of my biggest goals this year is to get into writing and fashion 

I hope you liked this slightly more personal post! We'll be posting more posts like this in the future, hopefully you enjoy them! Also want to say a quick thank you for all the support you've given us! It means a lot to see that a lot of you are reading and enjoying our blog! Thank you. :)

Love, Megan. x

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