So it's been a while since we've sat down to write a post and it feels like forever! We're so sorry for the lack of posts lately and I know we said we were going to continue writing more and focusing on getting more posts up but things have been even crazier than we thought they would be these last few months! We've been super busy and barely finding time for ourselves to relax that we just haven't been able to sit down and properly write a post. For me, I feel like I haven't even had a moment to just take a break and breathe, things have just been non-stop ever since I moved out of home. To be totally honest I love being so busy and have never been happier! But at the same time I feel terrible about putting the blog to the side for so long, I told myself from the beginning that I was going to keep writing posts but I let myself down! Just to make things clear, we are still here! We're not going anywhere, we've just had to prioritise some things lately and unfortunately our blog was one of the things we had to put on hold. It still means a lot to us and we're still taking it seriously, but we just think that in order for it to be the best that it can be we need to be able to focus on it properly without rushing it and we just haven't been able to do that lately. Hopefully things will start to settle down soon and we can figure out a routine that will fit everything in, until then we promise to try our hardest to upload more frequently! Hopefully we haven't lost too many of you and some of you haven't given up on us, we will definitely make it up to you with even better posts in the future!
So that's what happened, we haven't gone anywhere, we're still here. Although it may seem like we dropped everything and disappeared from the blogging world, we can assure you we haven't! It's all going to change and we'll be back to posting frequently again in no time!
Love Megan xox
Love Megan xox
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